YouTube Android App With New Navigation Bar Now Rolling Out
In short, the new navigation bar is comprised of four main tabs and now acts as the main control point for the YouTube app. These tabs are listed as ‘Home’, ‘Trending’, ‘Subscriptions’, and ‘Library’. The first is the standard home screen for the app, so each time the app is launched, the user will start off here and can return here each time by pressing Home again. When the Trending tab is clicked, specific videos which are trending at the moment will be shown. While another white bar which appears at the top of the screen (in replace of the previous red bar which listed various quick access tabs) will include further filter options such as ‘Music’, ‘Live’, ‘Gaming’, and ‘News’. Likewise, when the Subscriptions tab is clicked, the new interface will list the most recent video uploads from Subscribed channels, while the top-positioned white bar will also popular an easy-to-view and access list of subscribed-to channels – in icon form. This is a scrollable list, so the user has more than the shown number of in-view icons, the user can swipe through for more subscription choices.

The last tab, Library, is essentially the user’s one-stop location for everything owned by the user. Whether that is videos uploaded by the user, or videos purchased by the user, this is where they will be located. Although, this section is specifically for content associated with the user. As the rest of the user’s account info and settings has been separated and is now available via the profile icon – located in the top right corner of the display. To some, this new UI will not be totally new as it has been fairly well-documented over the last few weeks and months and similar designs have been noted elsewhere, such as with YouTube Music. With the difference being that it was previously in various stages of development, testing, and rolling out. Now, the update seems to be confirmed as on the way out to all devices, although it is listed as “slowly rolling out” with the additional note that “if you don’t have the new design yet, you will soon.” In the meantime though, the ‘YouTube Help’ channel was also updated today to include a new video providing a visual overview of how the new UI works. Which you can check out below.
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